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What information do you need to complete the Assess Jurisdiction's Capacity portal?
Print Sheet

Information for this portal of the tool is commonly found in annual reports, department censuses, and/or grant applications. It can also be collected from aggregate data from risk and need assessment instruments. If you do not know the answers to any of the following questions, the RNR Simulation Tool will default to nationally representative averages. Many jurisdictions do not routinely collect this information at a system level. If you are unsure about the answers to any of these questions, please check the "Do not know" box. If you have any questions about this feature of the tool, please contact the ACE! team at rnrtool@gmu.edu.

This information sheet lists the data you should gather before completing the Assess Jurisdiction's Capacity portal of the RNR Simulation Tool.

Having this information readily available will save you time in completing the Assess Jurisdiction's Capacity portal.

  • General Information
    • How your agency/jurisdiction typically defines recidivism (e.g., new arrests, new convictions, new incarcerations).
    • The average recidivism rate in your jurisdiction/agency
      • If known, please specify separate rates for males and females
      • The most recent recidivism report available is a good source of this information even if it is a bit dated
    • The estimated number of people currently under correctional control in your agency or treatment program
  • Population Demographics
    • The estimated percent of Probationers/Parolees in your jurisdiction who fall into the following age categories:
      • 16-27 years
      • 28-35 years
      • 36-42 years
      • 43+ years
    • The estimated percent of Probationers/Parolees in your jurisdiction who identify with each racial/ethnic group:
      • White/Caucasian
      • Black/African-American
      • Hispanic
      • Native American/American Indian/Alaskan Native
      • Asian/Hawaiian/Pacific Islander
      • Multiracial
    • The estimated gender breakdown of your population
      • Percent Male
      • Percent Female
    • The estimated percent of your population that is classified into one of the following offender categories
      • General Offender/No Special Population
      • Violent Offender
      • Sex Offender
      • Youthful Offender
      • Habitual Offender
      • Domestic Violence Offender
      • DUI/DWI Offender
  • Criminal Justice Risk
    • How many risk levels your jurisdiction/agency uses to classify Probationers/Parolees
    • The estimated percent of your population who fall into each risk level category
  • Criminogenic Needs
    • The estimated percent of your population who suffer from a severe substance use disorder on one of the following criminogenic drugs (e.g., heroin/other opiates, cocaine/crack, amphetamines/methamphetamine)
    • The estimated percent of your population who display a pattern of antisocial cognitions or criminal thinking
  • Substance Use and Mental Health
    • The estimated percent of your population who have a severe substance use disorder on alcohol or marijuana, OR who use criminogenic drugs but do not meet diagnostic criteria for a severe substance use disorder
    • The estimated percent of your population who have been diagnosed with or treated for a mental health condition within the last 12 months
  • Stabilizers and Destabilizers
    • The estimated percent of your population who:
      • Have people to count on for emotional or social support
      • Have a high school diploma or more education (does not include GED)
      • Are employed 30 or more hours per week
      • Have family or friends who engage in criminal activity
      • Have depended on public shelters or supportive living within the last 12 months or during the 12 months prior to incarceration
      • Currently have financial problems that make it difficult to meet court and/or other financial obligations
      • Currently have a family environment that is supportive of a drug and/or crime free lifestyle