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Web-Based Applications Tools
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Account Creation Instructions
  1. From the home screen of the CJ-TRAK webpage select "Log in or create account" from the list of options on the far right of the screen.
  2. Select "Register" -> this will take you to the "Create an Account" page
  3. Select a state from the dropdown menu
  4. Select a county from the dropdown menu -> you will then be sent to a new page
  5. If an agency exists in your county, you will be asked "Are you part of one of these agencies and want to register a secondary account?"
    1. Primary accounts are already registered and identified by state, county, and then the agency name. A list of agencies who have already registered primary accounts in the state and county selected will be listed.
    2. If you select "yes," you will be asked to select to which agency you would like to attach a secondary account.
  6. If an agency does not exist in your county, or if you select "no" to registering as a secondary account, you will be asked whether you would like to register to be the main account for your agency.
    1. If you select "no," you will register as a guest user and your account will not be attached to any primary user or agency. This account will only be valid for 30 days. This setting can be changed later.
    2. If you select "yes," you will be asked to provide information about your agency.
      1. The term "agency" is used in a broad sense. It can mean, for example, a large treatment provider network that includes multiple sites with multiple programs, a city or county community corrections organization, or correctional facility. Or a specific agency.
      2. You will have to request a main account password from rnrtool@gmu.edu. This will allow the site administrator to verify that the individual requesting to hold the main account is the proper person. The main account holder should in a position to complete information on the Assess a Jurisdiction tool. This data is used to reweight the values in the Assess an Individual portal to reflect the jurisdiction's unique demographic and risk/need proportions.
      3. Only the account administrator will be able to edit the jurisdiction level data. You can view the output for the Assess Jurisdiction's Capacity portal but you can not change the data.
  7. Once an account has been created you can log-in and begin entering information into the various tools.
    1. The Assess Jurisdiction's Capacity can only be edited by the primary account holder.
    2. All secondary accounts can view their own saved Probationers/Parolees and programs. You will need to contact rnrtool@gmu.edu for permission to examine the program tools.