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Assess Jurisdiction's Capacity Detailed Instructions

Before logging in:

  1. To enter/edit the "Assess Jurisdiction's Capacity" portal of the RNR Simulation Tool you must either be a registered Administrative Account holder or a Basic Account holder that is not linked to an Administrative Account.
    1. For more information on how to register to use the CJ-TRAK tools and the different account options available, please click here.
    2. After you complete the registration process, you will automatically be linked to the "Assess Jurisdiction's Capacity" data entry form
      • You will have the option to complete this form immediately or to complete it at a later date
      • Until you complete this form, all portals of the RNR Simulation Tool will only generate outputs based on nationally representative data
      • Once you have completed this form, you will be able to view your jurisdictions' capacity outputs and will also be able to generate jurisdiction-specific outputs using the "Assess an Individual" portal

After logging in as an Administrative Account holder or a Basic Account holder that is not linked to an Administrative Account:

  1. From the home screen of the CJ-TRAK webpage select the "Launch" button located in the "Assess Jurisdiction's Capacity" icon below the main instructions.
  2. You can also select "Assess Jurisdiction's Capacity" from the navigation bar located at the top of the CJ-TRAK homepage
  3. Carefully read all instructions on the page and then select "Enter Jurisdiction Information"
  4. Clicking this link will direct you to the "Assess Jurisdiction's Capacity" data entry form
    1. This form prompts you to provide an overview of your jurisdiction by inputing aggregate information on the estimated proportion of your population who fall into the specified demographic, risk, and need categories
      • Note: these values reflect the percentage (%) of your population who fall into each specific category
      • Note: these values must add up to 100% or the tool will give you an error message and prompt you to reenter the data to sum to 100%
      • Note: In any place on the tool where you do not know the percentage of your population that has a given characteristic, please check the "Don't Know" answer choice below the primary response fields
        • When you select "Don't Know" the tool will rely on nationally representative estimates to fill in the responses you have left blank
        • Relying on the national data does not prevent the tool from generating your jurisdiction's capacity output; it simply tells the system to replace the missing value with the most likely response option for that question from the national data based on the other information you have provided
        • When you do not know the answer and cannot identify a data source where you can get this information, selecting "Don't Know" is the preferred option over guessing what percent of your population may have a certain characteristic
  5. In Question #1, users are asked to specify the primary measure of recidivism for their jurisdiction.
    1. Rearrest is new crimes
    2. Reconviction is conviction for new crimes
    3. Reincarceration is readmission to a prison/jail
    4. All of the above options include technical violations
    5. Note: users should provide their jurisdiction's general and gender-specific recidivism rates for the primary measure of recidivism selected
  6. Users are then asked (Question #2) to specify the setting of their jurisdiction.
  7. Demographic data: Questions 4-6 prompt you to input aggregate data about the demographic breakdown of your population
  8. Type of Probationers/Parolees: Question #7 asks you to indicate the percent of your population that is classified as one of several common classifications of offenders (e.g., sex offenders, domestic violence offenders, or habitual offenders)
  9. The next question (Question #8) asks you to indicate how many risk categories you have; what categories your jurisdiction uses to classify risk; and the percent of your population that falls into each category
    1. In the justice system, this data most often comes from a validated risk assessment tool such as the LSI-R, COMPAS, or ORAS system
    2. If your jurisdiction has created your own indicator of recidivism risk level, please complete this item using the data from your own tool
  10. Once you have responded to questions 1 - 8, you have the option to "Save and Continue" or "Save and Come Back Later."
  11. After clicking "Save and Continue," the next three items (#'s 9-11) prompt you to input data on the distribution of primary criminogenic needs and clinical destabilizers in your population
    1. These needs include clinically defined severe substance use disorders for "hard" drugs and/or criminal thinking (item 9)
    2. You are also prompted about the percent of your population with mild to moderate substance use disorders and mental health disorders (items 10 and 11)
  12. Finally, in questions 12-18, you are prompted to input the percent of your population with common destabilizers that may affect an Probationer's/Parolee's engagement and performance in treatment or under correctional supervision
  13. After completing these questions, you will again have the option to "Save and Continue," "Save and Go Back" (this will take you back to the previous page where you can edit your responses to questions 1 - 8), "Save and Come Back Later," or "Print My Responses."